All The Things (About Trauma) Blog
Boomer Takes Mushrooms, Doesn’t Get Addicted
A 69-year-old woman from San Diego, California ingested ‘magic’ mushrooms, for the first time, on Saturday, November 26. Cathy S Harris, a clinical social worker who works with veterans and ex-cult survivors, is being trained by the Vital program, facilitated..
Read MoreShame, Imposter Syndrome, Self-Sabotage?
Many clients who seek help from coaches and counselors have a history of trauma. Whether Big T or Little t trauma (EMDR: The Breakthrough Therapy for Overcoming Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma, Shapiro and Forres, 1998), shame, if not addressed, can..
Read MoreThe Politics of Trauma-Informed Thinking
Political? Yes, TIC is a political issue. It gets to the very heart of what happens when injustice occurs. Much of the injustice in this world is perpetrated and/or ignored by many of those with money and power. Josh Lown..
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Can adults be abandoned? No, not in most cases. What? How could I say such a thing? How could a coach or therapist say such a thing? Don’t they help people with ‘abandonment’ issues? Let’s look at “What is abandonment”?..
Read MoreHave You Been Accused?
I recently received a promotional flyer for treatment of “personality disorders”. One of the objectives, “Learn the hidden agendas of each of the personality disorders” belies the contempt of many providers and even trainers. I believe people act the ways..
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