About Cathy S Harris
Lived Experience And 25 Years In The Work
Mother and Cult Survivor
I’m Cathy—a mother, survivor, and wellness advocate who has transformed a life once bound by trauma and high-control environments into one of freedom and purpose. I survived both a traumatizing family dynamic and cult membership from age 17 to 43. At 40, I enrolled in college, a step that sparked a new path and ultimately led me out of the restrictive group I once dedicated my life to. Leaving meant sacrificing relationships, as I knew I’d face the Watchtower Society’s policy of shunning those who no longer conform. But my personal freedom became the priority, and I chose to move forward.
After earning my bachelor’s degree at Iowa State University, I completed a Master of Social Work at the University of Iowa and pursued the credentials to practice independently. While in school, I worked with youth in residential treatment, provided crisis support through The Red Cross, and trained with Dr. Colin Ross in his trauma treatment program in Dallas, Texas. Today, I’m proud to use my story and expertise to support others on their path to healing and independence.
More on Cathy's story.
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score, has recently stated, “For a hundred years or more, every textbook of psychology and psychotherapy has advised that some method of talking about distressing feelings can resolve them. However, as we’ve seen, the experience of trauma itself gets in the way of being able to do that.”
My evolution as a therapist has included using many tools in addition to hearing my clients’ stories. The story is important, however, healing happens in the body. Psychedelics are proving to be catalysts to this healing. In my training as a Psychedelic Integration Specialist, I was required to engage in using plant medicine. At this later stage in my life, I have learned that these substances are remarkable for stimulating deep work that can lead to living in joy and peace after trauma. My training and my own experiences have resulted in me becoming a strong advocate for this work.